9 Best Biceps and Triceps Workouts To Try At Home

Thicker arms with muscle fibres are adored and wished for by everyone. Who does not want massive arms with biceps and triceps to show off and flaunt in the air? This article will help you build muscles and bigger biceps and triceps at home through the best workouts which can lead to quicker results. They help turn on the muscle potential with thicker arms. This article hence will focus on arm exercises which can bring in workouts for biceps and triceps with dumbbells and similar workouts which can hit maximum muscle fibres for growth.

Best Biceps and Triceps Workouts:

Here is the list of 9 simple and best biceps and triceps workouts. Let’s have a look at them.

1. Incline Bicep Curl:

Incline Bicep Curl

Incline bicep curl will help you to focus only on the biceps and triceps and not bring in other muscles for sharing the pressure of workouts. The entire arm muscle only is worked on by turning wrists slightly and keeping both elbows pointed towards the ground. This exercise is a combination of a range of motions which helps build muscles in the arms and get bigger biceps in days. The results can show quickly within a month of regular workout.

How To Do:

  • Sit on an incline bench.
  • Hold a dumbbell in both hands at arm’s length.
  • Use biceps and gradually curl the dumbbell until it manages to reach your shoulder length.
  • Lower them down slowly to your side and repeat the same.
  • Do it for 10 reps at first and slowly increase the intensity and pace.

2. Diamond Push-Ups:

Diamond Push-Ups

Diamond press up will help tone down and build biceps through working on all heads of triceps. It also helps work on the chest and build up arms. You can start to see the results within three weeks of your exercise.

How To Do:

  • Lie down on the floor with your body straight.
  • Form a diamond shape with your hands.
  • Lower body down slowly and chest should be almost touching the floor but do not lie on the floor.
  • Press the body now back up position.
  • Squeeze your chest and triceps at this time.
  • Repeat this for ten reps each and do two sets in beginning and slowly increase the pace.

3. Concentration Curl:

Concentration Curl

Concentration curl is one exercise which is popular to hit the heads of biceps for better performance and toned appearance. It focuses on arm flexors and works wonders in days to give quicker results.

How To Do:

  • Sit down on the bench straight and rest your right side arm against your right leg.
  • Let the weight hang down.
  • Curl the weight up and pause.
  • Then lower the weight.
  • Repeat with both arms.
  • Do for 20 reps each and two sets.

4. Palm Up Barbell Wrist Curl:

Palm Up Barbell Wrist Curl

This exercise will help focus on forearms by giving care and toning them down. The stamina and grip will be improved which will help tone down muscles and form biceps and triceps.

How To Do:

  • Sit on a bench and hold a barbell.
  • Palms should face up.
  • Rest forearms on the knees area.
  • Lower the barbell to the ground as much as possible.
  • Curl the wrist upside and pause.
  • Inhale and exhale deeply.
  • Slowly lower again.
  • Repeat the same for ten reps every day and you can see results in days.

5. Javelin Press:

Javelin Press

This exercise works wonders on focusing on the triceps one arm at a time. It adds posture and stability and helps activate small shoulder muscles and tone them down.

How To Do:

  • Hold a bar in the right hand above the shoulder level.
  • Extend the arm and lift the bar above.
  • Lower it back to shoulder.
  • Repeat the same for fifteen reps on each side.
  • You can begin to see the results in two weeks’ time.

6. Twisting Dumbbell Curl:

Twisting Dumbbell Curl

This exercise works to bring a twist to the forearm and hits the biceps and triceps hard to tone them and form muscles. It hits arms like no other exercise at one point in time.

How To Do:

  • Hold dumbbells on both sides.
  • Palms should face each other.
  • Use biceps to curl the dumbbells to the shoulders.
  • Alternatively, twist both arms to face the chest area as you start to lift them.
  • Slowly lower dumbbells back.
  • Repeat the same for ten reps each.
  • You can begin witnessing the quick results in a week’s time.

7. One Arm Triceps Extension Exercise:

One Arm Triceps Extension Exercise

This exercise will help build both the arm’s strength and add toned muscles and stability to the shoulders and elbow areas. It works on muscles by strengthening them and improving posture.

How To Do:

  • Hold a dumbbell in one hand.
  • Hold it behind the head and with elbow bent, point it to the ceiling.
  • Extend elbow until arm is straightly pointed.
  • The dumbbell should be directly above you.
  • Lower arm backside to starting position.
  • Repeat the same for ten reps on each side.
  • You can begin to witness wonders within fifteen days’ time or half a month.

8. Straight Bar Reverse Curl:

Straight Bar Reverse Curl

This exercise is not much popular however it works wonders for upper and lower muscles in the arms. This helps for bigger biceps and pushes the bicep muscle and makes it bigger. Hence it works for bigger-looking arms quickly and tones them down.

How To Do:

  • Stand and catch a barbell at shoulder width.
  • Make sure to work with grip properly.
  • Flex the elbows and rotate the barbell upwards.
  • Use forearms until both palms face out.
  • The barbell should be in line with the shoulders return down and repeat.
  • Make sure you catch the grip properly to prevent injuries.
  • You can begin witnessing results in days.

9. Lean Forward EZ Bar Curl:

Lean Forward EZ Bar Curl

This exercise helps to work on the main flexor muscle, which is near the arms and fingers. This helps to improve grip and posture for bigger lifts and helps to tone down muscles and lift them up quickly. It further helps to strengthen the muscles down and tone them.

How To Do:

  • Hold straight the EZ bar in front of your thighs.
  • Shoulder width grip should be maintained.
  • Lean slightly forward and your torso should be around 30 degrees to the hips area.
  • Curl the bar slowly until your hands are near the shoulders.
  • Squeeze the biceps.
  • Lower gradually.
  • Repeat the same for ten reps each, two sets.
  • You can begin to witness gradual results in a month’s time.

Lifestyle changes Recommended for Better Biceps and Triceps:

While the above-mentioned exercises certainly will help you to tone down the muscles and bring them up to form biceps and triceps, further tips and tricks in lifestyle will help to aid the process. Below are a few lifestyle changes recommended for healthier and quicker results at home.

  • Give it Time: Build biceps with time. Make sure you initially start performing them with the help of guidance to avoid injuries or complications.
  • Have a lot of Protein: Plenty of protein food will help augment your efforts. If you don’t get the required nutrition and healthy diet you cannot build the muscles up. They help in providing fuel to your efforts. Some of the excellent sources of protein include eggs, fish, chicken, and tofu.
  • Drink more Water: Have six to seven litres of water every day.
  • Have good Fibre-based foods and lean protein regularly.
  • Do not overtrain: Many think that overworking out will help form muscles but that is not a good option.
  • Skip Junk Foods and Snacks: They do a lot of harm to your body. Do not overeat and binge eat.
  • Cut down on sugar and eliminate completely over a period of time. Sugar tends to cut off all the efforts we put in for muscles and tends to delay the results.
  • Have Good Sleep: Do not skip out on rest and work heavily. This may work against your goal and target. Instead, good sleep is recommended every day.

While the above-mentioned biceps and triceps exercises can change the way and help in muscle growth and biceps, lifestyle changes and a healthy balanced diet are required for better changes. Good food with protein and fibre-based content contributes a lot when compared to other food. Hence give it time, set a goal and target to achieve and work towards it regularly. Do not skip the daily routine and get lazy, rather work on focusing on the target and achieve it within the stipulated time period.


1. Can I do Biceps exercises every day?

You should not work on your biceps every day without rest. It may be counterproductive in this aspect. Muscles should grow and recover too while not training. Hence if you want bigger arms and biceps, you should work on the triceps more than the biceps and give it rest in between for recovery.

2. How many days can I train for Biceps or Triceps?

Most fitness experts recommend training for the biceps twice or thrice a week and working on other fitness exercises on the remaining days if they are hard gainers, however, once a week also is good. Follow the recommendations of experts and work on it accordingly.

3. Can I grow Biceps in a week?

You should work out every day and do biceps exercises twice a week in the beginning. Slowly one can increase the pace with guidance. Lift weights for five days, two to three days of cardio can be done and you can slowly build biceps.

content writer

Akshata Singh

Akshata Singh is a senior content writer with experience of 6 years. She has been writing articles for lifestyle blogs, i.e., Health, Beauty, Fashion, Interior, Products & many more. To know more about her works, do check out the below profiles.

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