10 Simple and Best Home Remedies For Hair Regrowth

Hair is seen as one’s crowning glory which adds more beauty to the face. It is often the case that hair thins down or hair loss occurs, and it’s quite natural to wish on improving one’s hair. Hair loss is more common than one can think of. Stress, hormone imbalances, and related disorders are often the cause of hair loss. It is quite fortunate that we can regrow hair naturally, and always medicine is not required. This article looks into the 10 natural home remedies for hair regrowth along with tips.

Best Home Remedies For Hair Regrowth

Important Tips For Hair Regrowth:

Lifestyle changes play a huge part in the regrowth of hair naturally. Here are a few tips for getting positive results through minor changes we can incorporate into our day to day life.

  • Having sufficient intake of foods with zinc and iron content in them is very important to regrow lost hair. Hair loss is often linked to iron deficiencies and hence is natural hair regrowth treatment.
  • Avoid bad chemical shampoos. They are bad for your hair. Avoiding them is the starting point for hair regrowth.
  • Stop smoking cigarettes to regrow lost hair
  • Another hair regrowth tip is wearing a hat or covering hair when outside in sun for longer periods
  • One of the best hair regrowth tips is using essential oils such as coconut oil, argan oil, and tea tree oil
  • Hair regrowth vitamins can be used for better results
  • Do not use sulfate products for your hair
  • Plenty of protein foods are required to regrow lost hair. Food intake and nutrition are the best hair regrowth treatment.
  • Another best tip for hair regrowth does not shampoo every day.
  • Do not use hair heating or straightening often. They may damage your hair more and may lead to further thinning of hair.

Best Home Remedies for Hair Regrowth:

This article provides a perspective on natural home remedies for hair regrowth. They are secure and safe, as there are no harsh chemicals and medications involved here. Below are 10 simple and best home remedies for hair regrowth.

1. Massaging:

Home Remedies For Hair Regrowth

Massaging the scalp helps blood to circulate effectively in the region. It boosts hair regrowth well by improving thickness. It also releases stress and tension which is a great boon to the scalp helping with hair regrowth tips. It enhances the functioning of dermal papilla cells, which helps to encourage hair regrowth effectively. You can go ahead with massaging your scalp with natural oils or homemade masks.

How To Do It:

  • One such is the egg This is known as a quick natural remedy for hair regrowth.
  • Take an egg in a bowl and add a tablespoon of olive/coconut oil.
  • Mix the ingredients, make a paste and apply over your scalp for about 20 minutes.
  • Rinse it off then later with cool water and mild shampoo.
  • This helps through high levels of protein, which is there in eggs. Further, this mask is also rich in zinc, iron, and

Result Time:

  • Within 6 months of regular massaging, you can see your hair re-growing.

2. Coconut Oil:

Fatty acids which are present in the coconut oil help to reduce protein loss in hair. It is known to improve the health and thickness of the hair for centuries. It is a natural remedy and treatment for hair regrowth and hair loss conditions. It is rich in potassium and iron and one can experience positive results as quickly as possible. It is one of the best home remedies for hair regrowth.

How To Do It:

  • Coconut oil can be applied before or after the phase of washing hair as convenient to you.
  • You can also choose to leave it on overnight and wash your hair in the morning.
  • Take the required amount of coconut oil in your hand and apply it to your hair.
  • As it is a natural ingredient and well known for ages, there are no side effects attached to it.

Result Time:

  • Within a couple of months, you can see positive changes in your hair.

3. Hair Supplement:

There are supplements available which promote natural hair growth for people with thinning hair. It has minerals, vitamins and mollusc powder which help to promote hair regrowth naturally. It helps regenerate new cells of hair which can effectively lead to regrowth of hair.

How To Do It:

  • Hair supplements can be applied to the hair and they help with hair regrowth treatment naturally at home.

Result Time:

  • Regular intake will show a positive change in your hair.

4. Aloe Vera:

Simple Home Remedies For Hair Regrowth

Aloe Vera is well known and popular as a treatment for hair loss. It soothes the scalp with its amino acids and enzymes which help promote hair growth. It treats hair loss with the vitamin C content within, this in turn improves the scalp through the synthesis of collagen.

How To Do It:

  • Combine the Aloe Vera juice or gel with lemon juice or drops and massage it into your scalp.
  • Leave it on for 30-45 minutes and rinse well with shampoo.
  • This promotes hair growth without any side effects.
  • Hair also receives hydration through these natural ingredients which moisturize the scalp.
  • It also has the advantage of leaving the hair smooth and shiny and prevents dandruff and itching by repairing dead skin cells on the scalp.

Result Time:

  • This is by far the best remedy for hair regrowth with positive results showing up in just 1 month.

5. Fish Oil:

Fish oil has omega acids which have the positive advantage of being able to repair hair from within the hair follicles.  They are well known to contain nutrients and proteins. It helps the cells to work efficiently by boosting immunity. This process will further lead to the overall health of hair follicles and scalp and in turn, strengthen the overall hair.

How To Do It:

  • Take the necessary or recommended amount of fish oil and mix it with olive oil.
  • Apply this mixture of oil to the scalp and massage it properly.
  • Leave it for a couple of hours before you rinse your hair with a sulfate-free shampoo.
  • This procedure should be continued a couple of times before when you can observe a change in the natural hair regrowth phenomenon.
  • The necessary amount or recommended amount of fish oil only should be applied, which is prescribed on the box.

Result Time:

  • With regular usage, you can experience a difference in a couple of months.

6. Ginseng:

Another popular natural hair regrowth treatment remedy includes ginseng supplements. It promotes hair regrowth and reduces hair loss by reducing stress. It is very well known for its properties of antioxidant nature through stimulating hair follicles.

How To Do It:

  • Ginseng is available generally in shampoos or as supplements.
  • The required dosage needs to be taken as prescribed in the box for safe usage.
  • Its stimulating effects are known to work well for hair regrowth treatments effectively.

Result Time:

  • Ginseng is extremely effective for hair regrowth and you can experience a difference in just 3 months.

7. Onion juice:

Onion juice is well known to improve circulation in the scalp for ages. It promotes hair growth and regrowth through its blood flow to cuticles and the keratin growth factor builds within. It helps promote collagen production in the hair which reduces hair loss to a major extent.

How To Do It:

  • Take a few tablespoons of onion juice and mix 1table spoon of olive oil in it.
  • Massage the same mixture to your hair and leave for 2-3 hours.
  • Hair can be rinsed with a mild shampoo.
  • Repeat the procedure for effective results a couple of times.
  • Onion juice is very beneficial and does not have any side effects.

Result Time:

  • Onion is a very effective remedy for hair regrowth and you can experience a difference in just 15 days of application.

8. Lemons:

Lemons are well known for their natural property of vitamin C for overall wellbeing. Adding lemon drops in many of the masks and ingredients is known to nourish the hair and reduce hair fall. It enhances hair quality and helps maintain a healthy scalp.

How To Do It:

  • Add lemon juice to oil for half an hour before you shampoo your hair.
  • You can choose to use lemon as an ingredient in many ways, be it as massaging with oils or as juice or as a hair
  • Once applied and left for a while, one can rinse the hair with shampoo.
  • This procedure should be followed a few times and you can see the positive effects with your own eyes.

Result Time:

  • See a difference in hair regrowth in just a month of use.

9. Rosemary Oil:

Rosemary is known to be an essential oil, which helps to reduce hair loss and promote hair regrowth. It is known to stimulate new hair by improving blood circulation and cleaning hair follicles. It unclogs them which is a major reason for many hair problems.

How To Do It:

  • Apply a few drops of rosemary oil into your shampoo and conditioner on regular basis.
  • You can also mix it with oil while massaging your hair.
  • This addition initiates a positive factor for reducing hair fall and helps natural hair regrowth.

Result Time:

  • Experience the difference in a couple of months of use.

10. Amla:

Natural Home Remedies For Hair Regrowth

Amla is well known for its hair thickness properties. Also called Indian Gooseberry, it is rich in several nutrients which help accelerate hair growth. With the essential fatty acids and Vitamin C supplements in Amla, it serves as a natural remedy for hair regrowth.

How To Do It:

  • One can mix 2 spoons of Amla juice with lemon juice and massage in hair.
  • Alternatively, you can also mix Amla juice with your oil while massaging your hair.
  • Leave your hair for a couple of hours before you wash it off.
  • This helps as a natural remedy for hair regrowth treatment. Since this is a natural fruit, there are no side effects associated with using Amla.

Result Time:

  • Amla is very effective for hair regrowth showing visible changes in just 1 month.

Try these natural ingredients and home remedies for hair regrowth. This article has several best hair regrowth treatments for hair loss, which can help make your hair and scalp healthy, fighting issues such as thinning of hair. Natural hair regrowth is also boosted by a healthy and nutrient-filled diet which should not be ignored.


The opinions communicated in this piece are purely personal. We are not responsible for its accuracy, completeness or suitability. This article does not reflect our views and we do not assume any responsibility for the same. All the information provided above has been given on an as-is basis.


1. Is hair regrowth really possible?

There is certainly hope and one should never lose it. In case you are experiencing hair loss or thinning of hair, find out fixes through natural methods at first. Understand first the reasons for your hair falling out. What are the reasons? It is very much possible to regrow hair if the follicle is still intact. One can work on improving the health of thinner hairs. You have to take the first step immediately. You can start by using essential oils and applying and massaging your hair for better and gradual results.

2. Is it possible to regrow hair on the bald area?

Who doesn’t love to have gorgeous and beautiful hair? It is possible to regrow hair in the bald areas. There are several factors that should be taken into consideration for this, your age, lifestyle, work schedule, and nutrition. However, there are innumerable natural cures that one can choose from to start with. Massaging hair regularly with onion juice and wheatgrass is known to be popular among other natural ingredients to promote hair in bald spots.

3. Can hair regrow after thinning down a lot?

Essentially you need to reduce stress and tension in your life. Yes, it is possible for hair to regrow after thinning a lot or after heavy hair loss. It is up to you how you choose your lifestyle to be. In case you are able to reduce stress, maintain mental peace and use natural herbal supplements, you can experience a positive change and hair regrowth is possible. All this can work only if you are willing to make the necessary lifestyle changes and not just undertake hair loss treatments.

4. Can bald men regrow hair back?

This answer depends on genetic features as well. However, it is not impossible to get hair back for bald men. It is through activating hair follicles again; that this can be done. Blood circulation can be regained through scalp massage and natural treatments can be started off at first. A healthy diet and treatment can be undertaken to regrow hair back for bald heads too.

5. How to stop hair from thinning out?

This answer mainly depends on your lifestyle and habits. Listen to your body, eat a healthy diet and nutrient-rich food, improve your iron and zinc levels, check vitamin levels and have more protein in your diet. Do proper massages for your hair from time to time and use chemical-free shampoos without sulfate.

6. Is it possible to regrow your hairline too?

In case your hair follicle is still intact, yes, but if the hair follicle has disappeared or closed over years, then you may not be able to regrow hair in your hairline area. Necessary methods should be undertaken if the hair follicle is still intact. A good massage and improving blood circulation and treatment can help regrow hair on your hairline.

7. Which is the best oil for hair regrowth treatments naturally?

Olive oil, coconut oil, rosemary oil, almond oil, grapeseed oil, and amla oils are some of the well-known essential oils which naturally help in promoting hair regrowth treatments. They are among the best remedies for thinning hair and hair regrowth solutions. Massage your scalp with these and leave them in your hair for a few hours followed by rinsing it well. A gradual change can be noticed in your hair regrowth with time and regular usage.

best home remedies for hair regrowth

content writer

Akshata Singh

Akshata Singh is a senior content writer with experience of 6 years. She has been writing articles for lifestyle blogs, i.e., Health, Beauty, Fashion, Interior, Products & many more. To know more about her works, do check out the below profiles.

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