How To Use Face Wash Right Way: 8 Easy Step Guide

Cleansing is the first and most crucial step in the skincare routine. From choosing the right facewash to applying it correctly, every step is very important if you want to have clear and healthy skin. Cleansing your face is important because it not only helps to remove the dirt but also prepares the skin to soak in the other products. You must use a salicylic acid face wash if you suffer from different skin problems. A cleanser that has salicylic acid helps to get rid of all skin problems in no time.

how to use face wash right way

There are many facewashes from different brands available on the market. You must take care of the brand as well as the ingredients when it comes to selecting a cleanser for your face. Many skincare experts swear by the benefits of a salicylic acid face wash. It helps to eliminate the problem from its roots. A face wash with salicylic acid penetrates into the deeper layers of our skin to get rid of dirt and pollution. It also unclogs the pores so that they can breathe. You can buy a salicylic acid face wash from top brands to see the benefits yourself.

Steps to Use a Facewash:

Now that we know which facewash is beneficial for our skin, it is also important to understand the correct steps to use it. The product will not work on our skin if we do not use it correctly. Let’s take a look at the steps to use a facewash properly so that it can target the skin problems:

It is important to know the uses of facewash and when you should apply it.

1. Know The Right Time:

Before you start using a salicylic acid face wash, you should know the accurate time to use the product. The purpose of using a facewash is to get rid of the impurities and dirt that settle on our face due to various factors. You should never overwash your face as it can strip the skin of its natural oils which are essential. Use a facewash twice daily, once in the morning when you wake up and once at night. You should wash your face in the morning because excess sebum is produced when you sleep. Washing the face at night is crucial because your skin has to face pollution, makeup, chemicals, and a harmful environment.

2. Keep Your Hands Clean:

You should wash your hands with soap before washing or touching your face. The dirt on your hands should not get transferred to the face otherwise it can aggravate your skin problems. Your hands should always be clean when you touch your face. If your hands are unclean, they will not be able to remove the bacteria on your face effectively. First, wash your hands thoroughly and then use a salicylic acid face wash on your skin.

3. Splash Lukewarm Water:

Do not use too cold or too hot water to wash your face because it can damage the skin cells. Lukewarm water is considered ideal while doing facewash because it does not affect the cells. You must check the temperature of the water before washing your face with a cleanser. Splash generous amounts of water on your face so that it is completely wet before using the cleanser. Do not leave any portion of your face dry otherwise, the facewash will not lather well.

4. Take The Right Quantity:

You must squeeze the right quantity of facewash while applying it to your face. It is advisable to take a coin-sized amount of the salicylic acid face wash. Take the facewash on your palm and rub your hands together. It is important to remember that too little of the cleanser will not help to remove the dirt and too much will just be a waste. A coin-sized amount of salicylic acid face wash is considered ideal because it will spread on your skin equally. It will not remove the natural oils from your skin as well.

5. Massage:

You must massage the facewash on your skin properly so that it enters the deeper layers. Many dermatologists recommend that people should massage a facewash on their face for one minute. You can massage a salicylic acid face wash for about 45-60 seconds for it to work on your skin. Apply it to your T-zone, chin, and neck properly.

6. Wash:

You must use lukewarm water to wash off the facewash as well. Be gentle around the eyes because the facewash should not enter. If it enters your eyes by mistake, rinse the cleanser with water gently. You must wash the cleanser off your face gently and make sure no product is left on the skin.

7. Pat Dry:

Now, you can wipe the water with a clean towel. Do not rub the towel on your face roughly as it might irritate the skin. Gently pat dry your skin so that it feels fresh and energized after the cleansing session.

8. Use a Serum:

Retain the goodness of a salicylic acid face wash by locking it with a serum. Make sure that the serum does not have any harmful ingredients that can react with salicylic acid. Moisturize your skin so that it glows the entire day.

These are the eight important steps that you should follow while cleansing your face. Give proper time to the process because it strengthens your skin. Do not be in a hurry when you use facewash.

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Akshata Singh

Akshata Singh is a senior content writer with experience of 6 years. She has been writing articles for lifestyle blogs, i.e., Health, Beauty, Fashion, Interior, Products & many more. To know more about her works, do check out the below profiles.

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